
It seems that today everyone is jumping on the gluten bandwagon.  Many people have chosen to avoid gluten in their diet, but why?  Do they know something, or is it a fad?

Gluten is a protein that allows food to maintain its shape by acting as a type of glue. Gluten is a component of several grains, but generally it is wheat gluten that is the main cause for concern. For some people it can trigger an immune response that causes inflammation and over time can cause damage to the intestines.  There is a difference between gluten sensitivity and gluten intolerance.  Gluten intolerance is known as Celiac disease, and can wreak havoc on a person’s body if gluten is accidentally consumed.

Those who are sensitive to gluten may show mild symptoms such as an upset stomach, gas, bloating, fatigue, and general digestive discomfort. Those who are intolerant to gluten however can show more severe digestive symptoms such as diarrhea, uncontrollable vomiting and abdominal cramps, which may require hospitalization.

Gluten sensitivity has been on the rise for quite some time.  This is due to the fact that wheat has been hybridized and genetically modified, and is no longer recognized by the human body as a food from nature.  This combined with the fact that wheat crops are heavily treated with glyphosate, an herbicide that has been linked to various forms of cancer.  Taking these various factors into account, it’s no wonder so many people are avoiding gluten and the ill effects that is has on them.

With so many social and family gatherings over the holidays, it can be difficult to maintain a diet within your norm, especially when it comes to baked goods that use conventional wheat flour.  If you are sensitive or intolerant to wheat gluten, choose alternatives that are made from ingredients in the list below instead.

  • Rice, Pollenta, or Quinoa
  • Corn
  • Potatoes
  • Beans
  • Tapioca
  • Soy

For more information on gluten sensitivity see Frankenmeat

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