Essential Oils

Essential oils were the best kept secret for all of my formative years and well into adulthood. Until 2011, I had always used conventional prescription and over the counter medicines for myself and my family. I really didn’t know any better.  You see, like many or most of us, I was raised in the “pharmaceutical” world, because my parents didn’t know any better either.  All they had to go on was what doctors told them, or what they saw on television commercials for such things as pink liquids to soothe an upset stomach.

Well let me tell you about what I know now!  Medicinal quality essential oils are the best things since sliced bread!  I’ve used them extensively not only as my medicines, but in my personal care products, as my cleaning products, and even in my lawn, garden, and laundry.  They come straight from plants, and are considered volatile, organic compounds which means they can easily evaporate.  The essential oil of a plant is what serves as its security system.  It protects it from disease, drought, and predators.

The essential oil of each plant is unique to that plant with regard to where it resides.  For instance, the essential oil of a peppermint plant resides on its leaves.  It’s found embedded microscopically on the tops of the leaves, and when the leaves are crushed, the aroma of peppermint is very evident.  Other essential oils come from various parts of their corresponding plant; the stems, bark, rind, seed, flower, or sap.

Most essential oils are steam distilled from the part of the plant where they reside, with the exception of citrus oils which are cold pressed from the rind of the fruit.  Essential oils don’t contain any protein molecules, so they are normally non-allergenic, and don’t produce side effects or contraindications when used in conjunction with other conventional medications.

Essential oils serve as serious medicines for many people.  This is because their chemical structure is carbon based; a very similar cellular structure to that of humans and animals.  Because of this, the body recognizes the plant-based molecules and immediately knows what to do with them.

Essential oils are available as single oils such as lavender, which is very calming, and as blends of essential oils which serve specific purposes such as supporting the immune system or digestion.  I DO NOT recommend using essential oils that have been purchased from an organic grocery store, bed and bath store, or on the internet.  These can contain alcohols, fillers, and synthetics that can do the body more harm than good. Medicinal quality essential oils can be used in three different ways; topically, aromatically, and internally.

When used topically, essential oils are normally applied directly to the area affected, such as peppermint essential oil to aid in reducing an inflamed joint, to support the respiratory system, or to ease sinus congestion.

When essential oils are use aromatically, this is called aromatherapy. The oils are breathed in or smelled in some way, affecting the limbic system or the emotional center of the brain.  A very common aromatic use of essential oils is to diffuse them using a small machine called a diffuser.  When diffused, essential oils have the ability to uplift the mood, and support emotions. Lavender oil is a great example of how to diffuse essential oils to lessen tension and stress, while supporting sleep.  Essential oils can also be diffused for other reasons, such as to support the respiratory system, kill airborne pathogens in the home, or to support the immune system.

Essential oils are used internally for a variety of reasons.  They can be used sublingually (straight under the tongue), in your drinking water, in a vegetarian capsule, or in any other beverage or food that one might choose.  In this manner, essential oils are supportive to many body systems and for many reasons.

Several of the services that I provide include the use of essential oils to support my clients in naturally addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual maladies, thereby allowing them to live healthier lives. I invite you to look for ways to implement the use of essential oils in your life today. Your body and your loved ones will thank you.  For more information about the services that I provide, go to or feel free to use my contact information to discuss your needs with me directly.

For more information on the use of essential oils or aromatherapy, you may contact me here or go here.

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Joy of the Season

As another holiday season draws near some may still be feeling a sense of stress, while others may be exhausted and relieved that they can begin to return to a normal schedule without all the added responsibilities and expectations on their time.  I’m feeling a little bit of everything, but my heart is glad inside for the opportunities that I’ve had this month to share a part of myself in special ways.

It can be hard work preparing for the holidays and participating in additional social and family activities, but when the dust finally settles we must remember what the purpose of it all really is. Regardless of your religion, the holiday season really boils down to gratitude and happiness.

We have the opportunity to spend time with coworkers, cherished friends, and loved ones that we may not have seen regularly throughout the year. We give our best effort in preparing sweets and meals that show how much we care for the recipients, and we find or make the perfect gift for those that we love.

We give of ourselves, a part of our grateful heart, so that others may feel joy and happiness.  In return we also feel joy and happiness through the act of giving to others, a cycle that comes back to us with the same heartfelt care and thought.  In receiving this from others, we also allow them to feel the same joy and happiness in giving from the center of their hearts.

As this month and year begin to end, and as we prepare to welcome a new year, we are left with a sense of still and calm, and joy for having those in our lives that we were able to give to, and for giving that back to those that gave to us.

As we enter this period each year, I always take pause to recall why we did so many things to give and receive joy and happiness… love.

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Holiday Stresss

This time of year can be very stressful.  We have an overabundance of added responsibilities and demands on our time.  It’s seems that most of us cram more in to the month of December than any other month of the year!  We want to enjoy the season, but it’s sometimes difficult when we’re feeling so much stress!

As a Holistic Health Coach, I see this time and time again among the people who I serve.  Stress is one of the most frequent causes of dis-ease and discontent. It wreaks havoc on the body systems, causing a variety of unpleasant symptoms and dangerous imbalances. This very often leads to unwanted health conditions and the need for treatment with medications. Stress is actually the opposite feeling of happiness and joy.  If we can learn how to manage our stress, then we can help to reduce those feelings and enjoy the season more.

If you’re faced with seeing your ex at the family gathering, don’t panic! Keep calm, think positive, and try to implement some of these things that can help to prepare you to feel less stress, have more energy, and feel happier.

  • Try to get more sleep in order to let your body rest and de-stress. You’ll have more energy to manage stress.
  • Try to maintain a balanced and nutritional diet. Avoid junk and/or fried foods that contain omega 6 fatty acids, which increase inflammation and add stress to your body.
  • Consider supplementing with a probiotic. You’ll have better bacterial balance in your gut, thus better brain health to better handle stress.
  • Practice aromatherapy with high quality essential oils such as lemon, orange, grapefruit, or lavender. The compounds that are in essential oils have the ability to produce a physiological effect in your brain and body to reduce feelings of stress.
  • Try to get some sunlight on your face on sunny days.

Several of the services that I provide, support my clients in naturally reducing their physical and emotional stress levels, thereby allowing them to live healthier lives. I invite you to look for ways to reduce your stress levels today. Your body and your loved ones will thank you.  For more information about the services that I provide, go to  or feel free to use my contact information to discuss your needs with me directly.

For more information on aromatherapy or using essential oils, you may contact me here or go here.

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Winter Weight Gain

Some people find themselves gaining weigh this time of year.  Part of that is due to the fact that we crave carbohydrates more in the winter time.  When it turns cold our primal bodies are programmed to store fat in the winter like our ancestors did in order to survive the impending famine during winter.  So in theory, though our genes may be inclined to store fat, you can control what happens by making proper food choices.

Even so, there’s one more factor that works against us in the winter – melatonin.  This is the hormone that’s triggered by darkness and makes us feel sleepy.  As it turns out, it can also play a role in our appetite.  During the warm months when we have longer days, our melatonin levels decline.  The opposite is true when the weather starts to cool and the days become progressively shorter, thus less sunlight, more darkness, and less activity.  This can trigger hunger in some people when they should in theory have less appetite.

During the holidays it can be particularly more challenging to maintain one’s weight. With all the other factors working against us, it’s difficult to maintain a regular schedule during the holidays.  Between the extra social events, parties, and shopping, it can be difficult to stay on schedule, and even more difficult not to overeat or eat too many sweet treats.

Some tips that may help you to stay on track during the holidays are:

  • Try to get more sleep. This can not only help you to maintain your weight, but will reduce stress that can trigger overeating.
  • Consider supplementing you diet with vitamin D. Lower levels of vitamin D reduces fat breakdown and triggers fat storage.  Since we receive less vitamin D through sunlight in the winter, we’re more likely to gain weight through fat storage.
  • Try to get at least 20 minutes of sunlight on as much of your body exposed as possible. Even if it’s only through a window from indoors, exposing your forearms will allow a proper daily amount of exposure to sunlight.
  • Avoid alcohol. Though it’s difficult during the holiday season, alcohol metabolizes as sugar, a carbohydrate.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Just like grocery shopping, never go to a party hungry. It’s difficult not to overeat when you’re hungry.  Snack on something healthy before attending a party, then look for healthy options such as lean meat, or fruits while at the party.

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It seems that today everyone is jumping on the gluten bandwagon.  Many people have chosen to avoid gluten in their diet, but why?  Do they know something, or is it a fad?

Gluten is a protein that allows food to maintain its shape by acting as a type of glue. Gluten is a component of several grains, but generally it is wheat gluten that is the main cause for concern. For some people it can trigger an immune response that causes inflammation and over time can cause damage to the intestines.  There is a difference between gluten sensitivity and gluten intolerance.  Gluten intolerance is known as Celiac disease, and can wreak havoc on a person’s body if gluten is accidentally consumed.

Those who are sensitive to gluten may show mild symptoms such as an upset stomach, gas, bloating, fatigue, and general digestive discomfort. Those who are intolerant to gluten however can show more severe digestive symptoms such as diarrhea, uncontrollable vomiting and abdominal cramps, which may require hospitalization.

Gluten sensitivity has been on the rise for quite some time.  This is due to the fact that wheat has been hybridized and genetically modified, and is no longer recognized by the human body as a food from nature.  This combined with the fact that wheat crops are heavily treated with glyphosate, an herbicide that has been linked to various forms of cancer.  Taking these various factors into account, it’s no wonder so many people are avoiding gluten and the ill effects that is has on them.

With so many social and family gatherings over the holidays, it can be difficult to maintain a diet within your norm, especially when it comes to baked goods that use conventional wheat flour.  If you are sensitive or intolerant to wheat gluten, choose alternatives that are made from ingredients in the list below instead.

  • Rice, Pollenta, or Quinoa
  • Corn
  • Potatoes
  • Beans
  • Tapioca
  • Soy

For more information on gluten sensitivity see Frankenmeat

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Seasonal Depression

This time of year is a busy one, with all of the extra demands on our time, attention, and finances! There are an abundance of social events, volunteer opportunities, holiday decorating, shopping, wrapping, cooking; the list goes on!  How do we fit all this into one month and keep ourselves together?

For many this is a joyous time of year, but for some it is a sad time of year.  With the days getting shorter and colder, there isn’t as much sunlight, and even the most optimistic people can get bogged down emotionally.

Seasonal depression can take on two connotations. One is called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and the other affects people during the holidays. In this article I am referring to the seasonal depression that affects those during the holidays.

Some may find themselves feeling depressed during the holiday season.  This happens for various reasons; parents or loved ones have passed on, children have left the nest, divorce or separation from what has been the norm in the past, or simply a feeling of overwhelm.

If you are suffering from the blues, the key is to stay positive and forward focused. Know that this is temporary and will indeed pass.  Think about and look forward to happier times ahead.

Some other tips that may help are:

  • Get plenty of rest in order to destress and let your body recuperate.
  • Consider taking supplements such as Magnesium and B-Complex vitamins.
  • Keep a good diet, rich in fruits and vegetables and low on processed or preserved foods.
  • Try to get some sunlight on your face on sunny days.
  • Don’t recluse yourself and participate in social events.

If you know someone who appears to have the blues this season, make an extra effort to make sure that they are included in social invitations, and are getting out to spend time with others.  You may not realize how much your friendship and kind words can make a difference in the life of another who is not feeling as joyous as you are.

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Flu Vaccination

The medical community would have you believe that it is essential to vaccinate yourself and your family against the flu.  Many people blindly rely upon the advice of their doctor, and don’t realize that they are the customer, the boss, and that their doctor is the employee!  We all have a choice to be informed consumers, and that includes the relationship that we have with our medical providers.  Your doctors may not always be aware of or tell you the risks of what they recommend to you.  There are many dangers in vaccines.  Here’s what your doctor isn’t telling you (for whatever reason) when they recommend vaccination against the flu (or other unnecessary vaccinations for that matter).

The flu vaccine is developed each year based on the “best guess” method.  This means that a guess is made of which strains of the flu may be most prevalent that particular season.  These vaccines contain a live virus that supposedly inoculates people against getting the flu, but what if another strain, or several strains are what is being passed around that year?  You’ll still get the flu and have exposed yourself to nasty toxins from the flu vaccine in the process!

The flu vaccine contains any number of toxic ingredients.  Among these are detergents, formaldehyde, and mercury.  Yes, Mercury, a heavy metal that is known to cause a host of maladies ranging from digestive issues, respiratory issues, cardiovascular disease, memory loss, attention deficit disorder, and neurological dysfunction.  It is well known that an accumulation of heavy metals can cause neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.  It is estimated that the risk for developing Alzheimer’s in the elderly is increased tenfold by receiving the flu vaccination for three to five years consecutively.  The flu vaccine contains much more mercury than the allowable daily limit for exposure.  The amount of mercury in a typical .5 milliliter flu vaccine is approximately 25 micrograms or 50,000 parts per billion (PPB).  The Environmental Protection Agency classifies a hazardous waste liquid at 200 PPB, and the limit for potable drinking water is 2 PPB.

The ineffectiveness of flu vaccinations is well documented.  It does nothing more than lower the body’s immunity, causing side effects in the process.  The symptoms from these side effects can lead to nasty cases of respiratory and pulmonary distress.  This can be particularly dangerous for people that already have a suppressed immune system due to their decreased ability to fight off viruses, since the vaccine can increase their risk for getting the full-blown effects of the flu, and their susceptibility to contracting other contagious diseases.

Truthfully, the push to get vaccinated is really about making money, and not about what’s good for public health and well-being.  Government agencies and pharmaceutical companies make a lot of money on this industry alone; as a result it’s in their best interest to promote vaccination.

Rather than being vaccinated against the flu, you might be better off to opt for boosting your immune function.  There are multiple ways to do that, but here are some suggestions:

– Increase your intake of Vitamin C.  Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps your body to stay healthy and ward off viruses through its immune supporting functions.  It also provides support to the cardiovascular system, and the eyes and skin.

– Consider taking Vitamin D3 as an additional supplement.  Vitamin D is known to support the health of the immune system, brain, and nervous system.  It also helps to regulate insulin levels and aid in managing diabetes.

– Consider taking probiotics.  Probiotics have the capacity of boosting your immune system through their detoxification effects on the colon.  The relationship between a healthy immune system and a healthy gut is at least 70%.

– Oregano essential oil is known for its immune-boosting properties.  It also has the ability to fight and/or ward off infections due to its antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and anti-parasitic qualities.

For more information on essential oils, you may contact me here.

Click here for more information on Heavy Metals

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