Winter Weight Gain

Some people find themselves gaining weigh this time of year.  Part of that is due to the fact that we crave carbohydrates more in the winter time.  When it turns cold our primal bodies are programmed to store fat in the winter like our ancestors did in order to survive the impending famine during winter.  So in theory, though our genes may be inclined to store fat, you can control what happens by making proper food choices.

Even so, there’s one more factor that works against us in the winter – melatonin.  This is the hormone that’s triggered by darkness and makes us feel sleepy.  As it turns out, it can also play a role in our appetite.  During the warm months when we have longer days, our melatonin levels decline.  The opposite is true when the weather starts to cool and the days become progressively shorter, thus less sunlight, more darkness, and less activity.  This can trigger hunger in some people when they should in theory have less appetite.

During the holidays it can be particularly more challenging to maintain one’s weight. With all the other factors working against us, it’s difficult to maintain a regular schedule during the holidays.  Between the extra social events, parties, and shopping, it can be difficult to stay on schedule, and even more difficult not to overeat or eat too many sweet treats.

Some tips that may help you to stay on track during the holidays are:

  • Try to get more sleep. This can not only help you to maintain your weight, but will reduce stress that can trigger overeating.
  • Consider supplementing you diet with vitamin D. Lower levels of vitamin D reduces fat breakdown and triggers fat storage.  Since we receive less vitamin D through sunlight in the winter, we’re more likely to gain weight through fat storage.
  • Try to get at least 20 minutes of sunlight on as much of your body exposed as possible. Even if it’s only through a window from indoors, exposing your forearms will allow a proper daily amount of exposure to sunlight.
  • Avoid alcohol. Though it’s difficult during the holiday season, alcohol metabolizes as sugar, a carbohydrate.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Just like grocery shopping, never go to a party hungry. It’s difficult not to overeat when you’re hungry.  Snack on something healthy before attending a party, then look for healthy options such as lean meat, or fruits while at the party.

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